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The new revolution: Environmental intelligence

'There's no time like now', the takeaway from a panel discussion hosted by Envirosuite on'Environmental Intelligence Driving growth in a changing climate'. While the term was new to me the philosophy of using smart technology to gather data to drive environmental and business efficiencies is not. Like the industrial revolution its evolution takes time.

While we start another year, again, pontificating and theorising on how we will fill and nurture the environmental chasm we've created through our economy; I am quickly starting to accept that there is a lot more work to do. By helping business mindsets shift from the tokenism of 'doing good' to a more genuine approach, requires a culture change that embraces the social licence philosophy. Your are circling the drain if you can't ensure your business supports and holds a balance in all three pillars of sustainability.

The economy, environment and people are part of our solutions and a business's social licence depends on it. If you want to be a part of the solution and have a business that isn't inundated with regulation or needing to change its face to try and stay relevant with market cycles, you need to be thinking with your 'holistic and big picture' hat on.

Getting ahead of issues by fronting and fixing your weakest links earns trust from regulators and society. Don't try and hide your shortcomings, own them and do your best to mitigate and fix them. If people know you've got it covered they won't need to be wary of you and whether your greenwashing is genuine. I believe environmental intelligence is our new industrial revolution. Our cultures, economies and environment are being shaped by it. I wonder what our grandchildren will see when they look back at how we evolved from one revolution to another...

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